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Java Bridge to Exchange
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API Reference
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public Exchange(String hostname, String username, String password)

Connects to the Exchange server using the specified parameters over a secure SSL channel.

ExchangeServiceException   if any errors occur when establishing the communication with Exchange.

public Exchange(String hostname, String username, String password, boolean useHttps)

Connects to the Exchange server using the specified parameters. If the useHttps argument is set to true, the connection is established over a secure SSL channel; if set to false, plain HTTP is used.

ExchangeServiceException   if any errors occur when establishing the communication with Exchange.

public Exchange(String hostname, String username, String password, String domain)

Connects to the Exchange server using the specified parameters over a secure SSL channel.

ExchangeServiceException   if any errors occur when establishing the communication with Exchange.

public Exchange(String hostname, String username, String password, String domain, boolean useHttps)

Connects to the Exchange server using the specified parameters. If the useHttps argument is set to true, the connection is established over a secure SSL channel; if set to false, plain HTTP is used.

ExchangeServiceException   if any errors occur when establishing the communication with Exchange.

public Exchange(String hostname, String username, String password, String domain, String url)

Connects to the Exchange server using the specified parameters and the specified URL string. The hostname/domain arguments are used for authentication purposes only.

ExchangeServiceException   if any errors occur when establishing the communication with Exchange.

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