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Java Bridge to Exchange
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API Reference
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public void save()

Saves all the changes made to this item in the Exchange store.

In case of a meeting, invitation or update requests will be sent to all attendees. The sent request will be saved locally in the Sent Items folder.

If a conflict occurs, the item won't be saved and an exception will be thrown by this method.

ExchangeServiceException   if any errors occur during the communication with Exchange.

public void save(boolean overwriteIfConflict)

Saves all the changes made to this item in the Exchange store.

In case of a meeting, invitation or update requests will be sent to all attendees. The sent request will be saved locally in the Sent Items folder.

overwriteIfConflict   if true and a conflict occurs the item will be always overwritten, otherwise an exception will be thrown in case of a conflict.

ExchangeServiceException   if any errors occur during the communication with Exchange.

public void save(boolean overwriteIfConflict, boolean notifyOnlyChangedAttendees)

Saves all the changes made to this item in the Exchange store.

overwriteIfConflict   if true and a conflict occurs the item will be always overwritten, otherwise an exception will be thrown in case of a conflict.
notifyOnlyChangedAttendees   if true only changed attendees will receive a meeting invitation or update request, otherwise all attendees will receive the request.

ExchangeServiceException   if any errors occur during the communication with Exchange.

public void save(boolean overwriteIfConflict, boolean notifyOnlyChangedAttendees, boolean doNotSaveSentMeetingRequestCopy)

Saves all the changes made to this item in the Exchange store.

overwriteIfConflict   if true and a conflict occurs the item will be always overwritten, otherwise an exception will be thrown in case of a conflict.
notifyOnlyChangedAttendees   if true only changed attendees will receive a meeting invitation or update request, otherwise all attendees will receive the request.
doNotSaveSentMeetingRequestCopy   if true a copy of the sent request won't be saved in the Sent Items folder, otherwise a copy will be saved.

ExchangeServiceException   if any errors occur during the communication with Exchange.

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