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public java.lang.Iterable iterableForCalendar(java.util.Date startDate, java.util.Date endDate)

Creates a special Iterable object for a Calendar folder containing items between the specified dates. The items contained by this Iterable include all individual occurrences of recurring appointments.

This method never returns null, even if the collection is empty. An empty Iterable will be returned in this case.

public java.lang.Iterable iterableForCalendar(java.util.Date startDate, java.util.Date endDate, int maxItemsReturned)

Creates a special Iterable object for a Calendar folder containing items between the specified dates, limiting the result set to the specified maximum. The items contained by this Iterable include all individual occurrences of recurring appointments.

This method never returns null, even if the collection is empty. An empty Iterable will be returned in this case.

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