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API Reference
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public void addStore( storePstFile)

Opens the specified PST file in a new Outlook folder. To remove the added folder, use the method removeStore. If the specified file doesn't exist, a new PST file will be created.

storePstFile   the PST file to be loaded

See Also:

public void addStore( storePstFile, StoreType type)

Opens the specified PST file in a new Outlook folder. To remove the added folder, use the method removeStore. If the specified file doesn't exist, a new PST file will be created using the specified store type.

storePstFile   the PST file to be loaded
type   the type of the store: StoreType.DEFAULT, StoreType.UNICODE or StoreType.ANSI

See Also:

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Find the folder where the store was loaded
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    public static void main(String[] args) throws ComponentObjectModelException, LibraryNotFoundException
        Outlook outlook = new Outlook();
            // Load the store (.pst file)
            OutlookFolder storeFolder = addStore(outlook, new File("c:\\test.pst"));
            if(storeFolder != null)
                System.out.println("Folders stored in the file: ");
                FoldersIterator folders = storeFolder.getFolders().iterator();
                    OutlookFolder folder = (OutlookFolder);
                    System.out.println("Folder name: " + folder.getName());
                // Unload and remove the store from Outlook
    private static OutlookFolder addStore(Outlook outlook, File storeFile)
        ArrayList listFolderIds = new ArrayList();
        for(FoldersIterator iterator = outlook.getFolders().iterator(); iterator.hasNext();)
            OutlookFolder folder = (OutlookFolder);
            OutlookFolderID folderId = folder.getFolderId();
            if(folderId != null)

        for(FoldersIterator iterator = outlook.getFolders().iterator(); iterator.hasNext();)
            OutlookFolder folder = (OutlookFolder);
            OutlookFolderID folderId = folder.getFolderId();
            if(folderId != null)
                    return folder;
        return null;

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