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API Reference
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public RegistryValue(int type, byte data)

Creates a registry value object with the specified raw data.

new RegistryValue(RegistryValue.REG_BINARY, new byte[] {0x01, 0x02, 0x03});

type   The type of the value (REG_SZ, REG_BINARY or REG_DWORD).
data   The raw data of the value. Strings' (REG_SZ) data use the UTF-16LE character encoding.

public RegistryValue(String value)

Creates a registry value for the specified string. The value type is set to REG_SZ.

public RegistryValue(String value, boolean containsEnvironmentVariables)

Creates a registry value for the specified string. The value type is set to REG_SZ or REG_EXPAND_SZ.

value   the actual String value
containsEnvironmentVariables   if true the type REG_EXPAND_SZ is used; otherwise REG_SZ type is used.

public RegistryValue(byte binaryData)

Creates a registry value for the specified binary data. The value type is set to REG_BINARY.

public RegistryValue(int value)

Creates a registry value for the specified integer. The value type is set to REG_DWORD.

public RegistryValue(long value)

Creates a registry value for the specified long. The value type is set to REG_QWORD.

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